

執行委員會(Local Organizing Committee)
委員姓名職      稱
呂錦山 中華航運學會理事長
蔡豐明 國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系教授兼系主任
趙時樑 國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系教授
桑國忠 中華海運研究協會理事長
林泰誠 國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系教授
林上閔 中華航運學會秘書長
楊清喬 國立高雄科技大學航運管理系教授
吳志淵 國立澎湖科技大學航運管理系助理教授
張凱涵 中華航運學會研究員
陳一平 中華航運學會研究員 (3月16日起)
林宗德 國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系助教


協辦單位委員(Co-organizing Committee)
桑國忠 中華海運研究協會
方信雄 台北海洋科技大學海空物流與行銷管理系
徐文華 長榮大學航運管理學系
葉子良 香港理工大學董浩雲國際海事研究中心
鄭永祥 國立成功大學交通管理科學系
戴輝煌 國立高雄科技大學海洋商務學院
李家銘 國立高雄科技大學航運管理系
林燦煌 國立高雄科技大學運籌管理系
盧宗成 國立陽明交通大學運輸與物流管理學系
杜孟儒 國立臺灣海洋大學運輸科學系
桑國忠 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋經營管理學士學位學程
王昱傑 國立澎湖科技大學航運管理系
許超澤 淡江大學運輸管理學系
吳沛儒 逢甲大學運輸與物流學系
許君毅 開南大學國際物流與運輸管理學系


國際指導委員(International Steering Committee)
Professor Stephen Cahoon Centre for Maritime and Logistics Management, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Australia.
Dr. Ana Cristina F. C. Paixão Casaca World of Shipping Portugal, Portugal and CIMOSM, ISEL, Multifunctional Systems Modelling and Optimization Research Centre, Portugal.
Dr. Chia-Hsun Chang Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
Dr. Poti Chaopaisarn Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Dr. Peggy Shu-Ling Chen Centre for Maritime and Logistics Management, Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Australia.
Professor Jihong Chen College of Management, Shenzhen University, China.
Dr. Jane Haider Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff University, UK.
Dr. Hyunmi Jang Graduate School of International Studies, Pusan National University, South Korea.
Dr. Tomoya Kawasaki Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Professor Kee-hung Lai Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Po-Lin Lai Department of International Logistics, Chung-Ang University, South Korea.
Professor Jasmine Siu Lee Lam Department of Technology, Management and Economics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
Professor Theo Notteboom Shanghai Maritime University, China / Ghent University, Belgium / University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Dr. Irwin U.J Ooi Faculty of Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia .
Dr. Kelvin Ka Liong Pang School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Dr. Pairach Piboonrungroj Supply Chain Economics Research Centre (SCERC), Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Dr. Vinh V. Thai School of Business IT & Logistics, RMIT University, Australia.
Dr. Judy Tong Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Chi Chung Peter Wong Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours), University of Wollongong College Hong Kong.
Dr. Dong Yang Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Professor Gi-Tae Yeo Graduate School of Logistics, Incheon National University, South Korea.
Dr. Tsz Leung Yip Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Pengfei Zhang Navigaion College, Jimei University, China.