公告訊息漢堡大學(德國)目前正在招聘一位瑪麗居里獎學金博士生, 研究方向為“具有自主內河航運的貨運模型” 應用和環境外部性”。截止日期2021年9月12021-07-01

The University of Hamburg (Germany) is currently recruiting a Marie Curie Scholarship PhD student,

with the research direction on “Freight transport model with autonomous inland shipping

application and environmental externalities”. The selected candidate will receive funding from the

prestigious Marie-Sk.odowska-Curie Innovative Training Network for 36 months, and will be jointly

trained by 10 European universities and 10 industry organizations, with Prof. Qing Liu (University of

Hamburg) as the main supervisor. In addition to the monthly basic gross salary of approximately

€3771 , they will also be offered to take advantage of 6 joint scientific research training and

vocational skills workshops, and many international conferences.


Master students (or excellent bachelor students) with relevant research interests and backgrounds in

transportation economics, econometrics, machine learning and ship autonomous driving are welcome

to apply as soon as possible. Fluency in English is required, and a basic knowledge of German is

preferred. For details, please refer to the joint application website: https://etn-

autobarge.eu/recruitment/open-positions/esr12/ or welcome to consult Prof. Qing Liu qing.liu@uni-



The deadline is September 1, 2021!
